Karl Spiesberger
Rune Magic is the authoritative work on runic esotericism by renowned mystic and scholar Karl Spiesberger. This book presents an encyclopedic overview of works by the great rune masters Guido von List, Siegfried Kummer, Rudolf Gorsleben and others, with additional material on the theory and practice of rune magic by Spiesberger himself. Included in this exhaustive study are descriptions of ritual practice, esoteric relationships, divination techniques, runic yoga, and much more. An invaluable guide to practical rune magic.
Spiesberger is a controversial figure in the history of runic esotericism as a result of his efforts to dissociate the runes from their original Aryan source, but his contribution to the field is nevertheless valuable. In effort to separate Spiesberger’s ideological bias from the work itself, his irrelevant preliminary remarks to this book have been removed. Our hope is that the remaining presentation of work by his predecessors will be seen from a more objective and racially conscious viewpoint, as originally intended.