The German Mythological Landscape

Guido von List

Between 1877 and 1887, Guido von List published various journalistic works about his earlier travels and mystical reflections on Loci (local spirits), many of which appear in his famous Deutsch-Mythologische Landschaftsbilder of 1891, translated in this first English edition as The German Mythological Landscape.

This book takes us on a journey into a bygone era when the European landscape was still populated by mythical gods and demons. Here, von List examines the folklore of natural landmarks to discover its esoteric origin, revealing the intimate connection of traditional European spirituality to its native soil. 

With the insight of a true mystic, von List frames the indigenous character of ancient European polytheism in a new light, showing that its view of nature as the reflection of a higher spiritual world is borne out in the supernatural character of ancient folklore associated with physical features of the land itself.

Bringing together such varied topics as the secret Vehm society, werewolf and dragon legends, the folklore of mermaids, runic divination, and the esoteric meaning of fairy tales, von List paints a vivid and often humorous picture of his travels through the myth-haunted European countryside.

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Liber Hermetis

Hermes Trismegistus

Liber Hermetis Trismegisti, commonly known as the Book of Hermes, is a foundational work of Hellenistic astrology that possesses a distinctly Egyptian character. The system of inherited knowledge it describes is older and more complex than anything found in other sources of Hellenistic astrology, and its treatment of the ancient Egyptian “decans” is by far the earliest in any astrological literature. This rare English translation is based on the only surviving Latin copies of a lost Greek original.

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Rune Magic

Karl Spiesberger

Rune Magic is the authoritative work on runic esotericism by renowned mystic and scholar Karl Spiesberger. This book presents an encyclopedic overview of works by the great rune masters Guido von List, Siegfried Kummer, Rudolf Gorsleben and others, with additional material on the theory and practice of rune magic by Spiesberger himself. Included in this exhaustive study are descriptions of ritual practice, esoteric relationships, divination techniques, runic yoga, and much more. An invaluable guide to practical rune magic.

Spiesberger is a controversial figure in the history of runic esotericism as a result of his efforts to dissociate the runes from their original Aryan source, but his contribution to the field is nevertheless valuable. In effort to separate Spiesberger’s ideological bias from the work itself, his irrelevant preliminary remarks to this book have been removed. Our hope is that the remaining presentation of work by his predecessors will be seen from a more objective and racially conscious viewpoint, as originally intended.

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Introduction to the Hermetic Sciences

Giuliano Kremmerz

Giuliano M. Kremmerz (born Ciro Formisano) was an Italian alchemist, hermeticist, philosopher, and prominent member of the Ur Group, alongside Julius Evola. With his Introduction to the Hermetic Sciences, Kremmerz sought to redefine magical initiation as well as other key components of the occult sciences. His aim was to bring the path of esoteric initiation back into alignment with the procedures and symbolism that defined the spiritual practices of the original Hermetic tradition.

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The Light of Egypt

Thomas Burgoyne

Thomas H. Burgoyne, an astrologer and founder of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, was born April 14, 1855, and grew up in his native Scotland. Spontaneously psychic, he claimed that as a child he came into contact with the Brotherhood of Light, a group of advanced discarnate beings who attempt to guide the destiny of mankind. At a later date he met a M. Theon, who purported to be an earthly representative of the brotherhood and taught Burgoyne about their esoteric doctrine. An associate of Burgoyne, also in contact with the Brotherhood of Light, suggested that he write a set of lessons to introduce their teachings to the public. This was published in 1889 as The Light of Egypt.

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Esoteric Teachings of the Tibetan Tantra

C. A. Muses

This volume contains three books of secret Vajrayana Buddhist lore translated and edited by the scholar of esotericism Charles Muses in cooperation with exiled Tibetan monks. Among the esoteric initiation rituals are found many strange passages, including a mysterious prophecy that tells of a future when Tibet will be overrun by demons, while the Naropa texts describe practices such as the Yoga of Entering Another’s Body, which can be used to reanimate a corpse. Also discussed at some length is a method of lucid dreaming or “astral projection” known as The Practice of the Illusory Body.

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The Canon

William Stirling Maxwell

In this exhaustive study of the ancient Greek cabala, William Stirling Maxwell argues that the arithmetical calculations on which the structure and proportions of ancient religious architecture were based reveal an exact correspondence with the positions of the sun, moon, and planets. Here, Maxwell argues that the system of metaphysical science from which these canonical proportions derive was encoded in occult symbols, images and language whose last clear expression is found in the Greek cabala.

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Initiation and Spiritual Realization

René Guénon

In accordance with Guénon’s last wishes, this volume was the first thematic collection of his writings published after his death. The first part sees Guénon considering the mental and psychological obstacles that may block comprehension of the initiatic point of view and the search for initiation. The second part clarifies and develops several important points regarding the nature of initiation and the conditions for its pursuit. The last, and in many respects the most important part is a metaphysical exposition of the possibility for total spiritual realization starting from our corporeal state.

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Fundamental Symbols

René Guénon

In his prolific metaphysical and spiritual writings, Guénon displayed extraordinary insight into the universality of the human experience. This book, arguably the most significant in a modern Western language concerning symbolism, deals with the metaphysical and cosmological meaning of symbols drawn from traditions as far apart as the Greek and the Buddhist, the Druid, and the Islamic. It is a major addition to the English corpus of Guenon’s work.

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Gothic Kabbalah and Runic Alchemy

Thomas Karlsson

As court magician to Gustav II Adolf, Johannes Bureus sought to combine runes and Norse myths with astrology, alchemy and magic in a system he called Adulruna, or Gothic Kabbalah. Bureus’ world of thought belongs to Western esotericism and Gothicism, where nationalist ideas run like a red thread through esoteric speculations.

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The Practice of Ancient Turkish Freemasonry

Rudolf von Sebottendorff

This important work by Rudolf von Sebottendorff (founder of the Thule Society and head of the Bavarian Germanic Order) reveals the secret spiritual exercises of the Bektashi mystics, which preserve ancient doctrines of natural philosophy corrupted or forgotten by modern Freemasonry. Sebottendorff explains how the cabbalistic formulas of Sufi mysticism are integrated with Masonic hand signs in a program of spiritual exercises that collect spiritual power into the body and transform the soul from its base condition into a heightened state: the Magnum Opus of the alchemists.

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The Archaeometer

Saint-Yves d’Alveydre

The Marquis Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre (1842-1909) was a key figure of French esoteric tradition whose revelations about the kingdom of Agarttha had a profound influence on the young René Guénon. Saint-Yves’ ideas for theocratic government affected the course of politics during the early twentieth century, serving as a model for a number of right-wing groups.

His magnum opus, The Archaeometer, presents a reconstructive analysis of the metaphysical system used by all esoteric Traditions to encode their sacred knowledge through mathematical and geometrical principles into religious art, music, and literature. Its scientific reconstruction of this primordial Aryan cabala holds a key to the system of universal order behind all natural laws.

In the words of the author: “The Archaeometer is the instrument used by the Ancients for the formation of the esoteric myths of all religions. It is the canon of ancient Art in its various architectural, musical, poetic, and theogonic manifestations. It is the Heaven that speaks: every star, every constellation becomes a letter or a phrase, or a divine name lighting the ancient traditions of all peoples with a new day.”

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Johannes Bureus

The Swedish polymath Johannes Bureus (1568–1652), Royal Librarian and close friend of King Gustavus Adolphus, is primarily known as an exponent of “Gothicism,” the idea that the ancient Goths of Scandinavia were the first rulers of Europe, and Sweden the true origin of Western culture. But he was also an early student of runology, as well as a practicing alchemist. Influenced by the Neoplatonic revival of the Renaissance, Bureus viewed alchemy as part of a Prisca Theologia stemming from the ancient Goths, arguing that the Scandinavian runes constituted a “Gothic Cabala” in which the secrets of all sciences – including alchemy – had been hidden for posterity.

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Essential Readings

Robert Fludd

Robert Fludd was an esotericist and philosopher who spent much of his life travelling throughout Europe to obtain the knowledge of mystics, scientists, musicians, physicians, and alchemists. The resulting depth and breadth of his learning made him known as a true “Renaissance man” and the leading scholar of his age.

This rare collection brings together material from all of Fludd’s published works, including his magnum opus The History of the Microcosm and Macrocosm, which details the creation and structure of the universe. Fludd’s prolific and inspired work represents a grand summation of centuries of Neoplatonist Hermeticism that remains invaluable to all seekers of Truth. This is a facsimile edition.

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Various authors

Early in the early 17th century, a series of manifestos proclaiming the existence of a mysterious esoteric brotherhood circulated among the intellectual elite of northern Europe. In the veiled language of alchemical symbolism, these manifestos outlined a process of initiation by which entrance to the invisible Brotherhood of the Rose Cross might be gained. As with earlier alchemical literature, the manifestos were eventually read by outsiders who took their allegorical content literally, believing the Rosicrucians to be a group of secretive occultists. It should be obvious that no such groups or individuals have any connection whatsoever to the original sources presented in this volume.

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A System of Caucasian Yoga

Count Stefan Walewski

In the early fifties of the last century, a strange book entitled A System of Caucasian Yoga appeared in the United States. The book was written by Count Stefan Colonna Walewski, a Polish diplomat who claimed to have received its contents from a mysterious neo-Zoroastrian brotherhood located in the remote Caucasus.

Soon after the manuscript was published in 1955, the members of an esoteric association – those who met them recalled their name as “Mazdaznan” – considering the disclosure of its secret practices dangerous, had the book withdrawn from the market by court order. Of the original printing only three hundred copies survived.

Stefan Colonna Walewski was born in Vilnius, Lithuania on 9 June 1897, and died in New York on 19 May 1955, shortly after the publication of this book. He claimed to be a direct descendant of the count Alexandre Florian Joseph Colonna Walewski, the illegitimate son of Napoleon Bonaparte I and his Polish mistress Maria Laczynska.

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The Destruction of Freemasonry

Erich Ludendorff

General Erich Ludendorff’s major work The Destruction of Freemasonry exposes the true nature of this subversive cult with rare evidence from primary sources. First published in 1927, it was significantly reworked for the 1930 edition that remained in circulation with minor changes until at least 1938. The English translation presented here is technically accurate, but contained several false statements about both Ludendorff and Hitler that were inserted by the publisher. These statements have been removed from the present edition.

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Ariosophia II

Various authors

Ariosophy, the esoteric myth of the blood… In this sequel to “Ariosophia,” the original form of that myth is revealed by the Armanist masters Guido von List, Lanz von Liebenfels and Karl Maria Wiligut. Featuring selected articles from the Hagal and Ostara magazines, it also contains an abridged version of The Secret of the Runes and excerpts from The Rita of the Ario-Germans. Supplemental material includes a guide to Armanism compiled from the work of Spiesberger, Kummer, and Gorsleben, as well as documents from the Order of New Templars and a remarkable study of the black sun by Rudolph Mund. An invaluable collection of rare and essential work by the masters of the Ariosophical tradition.

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The Gnostics and Their Remains

C. W. King

Drawing from original sources, this book gives an account of the early Gnostic faith and its development through history. Included in the selection of topics are the Book of Enoch, the cult of Mithras, Agathodaemon worship, the symbols of Gnosticism, and its eschatology. Later sections consider the relationship of early Gnosticism to the Templars, Rosicrucians and Freemasons, which the author regards as illegitimate.

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The Hermetic Museum

Edited by A. E. Waite

“THE HERMETIC MUSEUM RESTORED AND ENLARGED was published in Latin at Frankfort, in the year 1678, and, as its title implies, it was an enlarged form of an anterior work which, appearing in 1625, is more scarce, but, intrinsically, of less value. Its design was apparently to supply in a compact form a representative collection of the more brief and less ancient alchemical writers” (from the preface).

This edition contains both volumes of the original text, including such classics of the alchemical tradition as The Book of Lambspring, The Golden Tripod (including the Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine), and The Sophic Hydrolith, among many others. An invaluable resource for scholars and practitioners alike.

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Collectanea Hermetica

Edited by W. Wynn Westcott

The Collectanea Hermetica brings together a wide range of primary sources from the Hermetic tradition into a single encyclopedic volume. With such foundational texts as the Corpus Hermeticum, Chaldean Oracles, and Golden Verses of Pythagoras, the selection of material provides a comprehensive overview of the ancient Hermetic philosophy. (Note: The fourth volume has been intentionally omitted).

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The Lightning and the Sun

Savitri Devi

A classic philosophical work about the historical inevitability of cultural decay and rebirth, written by one of Adolf Hitler’s most devoted admirers. Savitri Devi couches her arguments in metaphor, using “lightning” to refer to forces of destruction and “sun” to refer to building in accordance with nature’s eternal laws. Both are necessary, says Devi, since to build the pure and new one must first sweep away the rotting debris of the corrupt old order. Violence, per se, has no moral assignment; it’s either worth its while or not, depending on what it aims for. For illustration, the author examines in detail the lives of three figures from history: Akhnaton, Genghis Khan, and Adolf Hitler. She argues that we are at the end of a cycle of history in which corruption and lies prevail over honor and truth, and that the time is ripe for the storm of violence that will precede the next golden age.

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The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus

Edited by A. E. Waite

In the long history of the Western esoteric tradition, few individuals have shown a deeper understanding of its secrets than Paracelsus. This collection of his essential writings on the art and science of alchemy is edited by the leading scholar of esotericism A. E. Waite.

Volume I includes Paracelsus’ major work the Coelum Philosophorum and other writings on the four elements, the transmutation of metals, and the philosophers’ stone or Tincture.

Volume II contains a description of the Tria Prima and the correspondence of alchemy with astrology. Also included are writings on the quintessence and immortality, as well as the longer Archidoxies.

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In the late eleventh century, an eastern Gnostic sect known as the Bogomils arrived in the Languedoc region of France and northern Italy. There it took root and flourished over the next three centuries as the Cathar religion, until its destruction in the Albigensian Crusade.

This volume is a collection of source texts from the Cathar tradition containing rare material on the theological doctrine, esoteric apocrypha, and rituals that comprised the basis of Cathar religious practice. The sources are among the most complete and significant Cathar texts known to have survived their persecution by the Church.

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Tao te Ching

Julius Evola

Gathered here in one volume are the two Evolian interpretations from 1923 and 1959 of this masterpiece of Eastern wisdom, the Tao-tê-Ching. One of the major spiritual texts of the Far East, it contains a particular reformulation of the ancient doctrine of the Tao – the Principle, the “Way” – in terms of both metaphysics and the presentation of a higher human ideal (the “Real Man”).

It is well known that the Chinese language is ideographic, so for this reason alone the terms admit of different interpretations. This is even more true in Lao-tze’s text, given the elliptical and often “hermetic” character of his maxims. Thus in Taoist schools a disciple’s degree of maturity was measured by the increasingly deeper meanings he or she had gradually been able to grasp by studying the text and meditating on it.

In presenting it to the Italian public, Julius Evola held himself to the highest level of interpretation, also using, in the commentary, quotations from the works of the main Fathers of Taoism – Lieh-tze and Chaung-tze – for a more complete framing, while in the introductory study he indicated the spirit and essential aspects of Taoism in general.

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Holy Rune Might

Siegfried Adolf Kummer

In this rare and influential work of the Armanist school, Siegfried Kummer reveals the hidden meaning of the Armanen runes, their relation to other aspects of Western esotericism, and their application to ritual practice. All of the illustrations from the original German publication of Heilige Runenmacht are reproduced in high detail.

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Various authors

Ariosophy is the esoteric “myth of the blood.” In this collection of rare works by Guido von List, Lanz von Liebenfels and others, that myth finds expression with profound clarity. Here, the principles of Ariosophy are demonstrated by their application to subjects as diverse as politics, history, science, religion, and magic, providing a complete synopsis of the Ariosophic worldview.

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The Hermetic Fragments


This volume presents a selection of fragmentary religious and philosophical texts compiled by the 5th century Greek scholar Joannes Stobaeus. The fragments comprise a treasury of esoteric knowledge from the ancient and secretive Hermetic tradition regarding subjects like alchemy, astrology, and philosophy.

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Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom

Nimrod de Rosario

The “Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom”, being a treatise whose proposals lead to logical, philosophical and axiological theses that are irreducible and demonstrable, must be studied ordinally and integrally, and it requires an exhaustive study of “The Mystery of Belicena Villca” (the author’s initiatic novel), a sine qua non condition, in order to understand them. In this context, the author repeatedly recommends that the aspirants to the study of the fundamentals must possess an essential quality, the gnostic predisposition, which will allow them to overcome cultural and rational limitations that prevent the correct understanding of the substantive metaphysical and axiological part of the fundamentals.

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Magic: History, Theory, Practice

Ernst Schertel

Magic: History, Theory and Practice is a study of the occult by Ernst Schertel originally published in Germany in 1923. Schertel had sent a dedicated copy of the book to Adolf Hitler, who read the book and marked several passages. A total of sixty-six annotations were made by Hitler in his copy, all of which are reproduced in this edition.

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Central Sun

Peryt Shou

A selection of rare works by the influential Armanist known as Peryt Shou (Albert Schultz), including The Mystery of the Central Sun, The Edda as Key to the Coming Age, and The Secret Doctrine of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

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The Essentials of Esoteric Hitlerism

Jason Thompkins

Here are 100 verses that explain, in depth, the initial aim of Esoteric Hitlerism, the birth of the Son of Man, and the clothing of the Astral Body with Immortality. These verses were translated years before “The Golden Cord” and “The Ultimate Avatar” were published in English. Everything one needs to know about Esoteric Hitlerism is found within these pages.

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URRU: Thulean Polar Mythos

Jason Thompkins

The new book by Jason Thompkins covers all the topics within Esoteric Hitlerism and the more difficult terrains of the Hyperborean Path of A-Mor. The author is clearly a follower of Miguel Serrano, but this book takes it even further. All unanswered questions are revealed within the esoteric writings of Jason Thompkins. Everything you have ever wanted to know about Thule, Hyperborea, A-Mor, The Black Sun, The UFO, The Green Ray and where we come from to where we are going. It is all covered here.

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The Veil of Isis

René Guénon

René Guénon was one of the great luminaries of the twentieth century, whose critique of the modern world has stood fast against the shifting sands of intellectual fashion. Guénon’s seminal work on esotericism The Veil of Isis presents a comprehensive selection of his writings on the subject of Tradition.

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The Zenith of Humanity

Rudolf Jon Gorsleben

The original German language edition of Rudolf John Gorsleben’s Hochzeit der Menschheit was published in 1930 by Koehler & Amelang. This is a revised facsimile of the English translation with certain irrelevant footnotes removed.

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Occult Theocrasy

Edith Starr Miller, Lady Queenborough

Occult Theocrasy was originally published in 1933 shortly after the author’s death. This edition comprises both original volumes, containing a wealth of information about secret societies and occult philosophy.

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Lanz von Liebenfels

Written by Lanz von Liebenfels, a former Cistercian monk and founder of the New Templar Order, this book represents both a unique example of modern biblical exegesis, and a historical work encompassing what has lately come to be known as cryptozoology. For anyone interested in the general history of esotericism in early Twentieth century Europe, and more specifically of the paradigm later known as Ariosophy, it is one of the foundational texts which must be read and understood in order to comprehend fully the nature of this fascinating subject.

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The Secret of the Runes

Guido von List

Written as an introduction to von List’s basic ideas, The Secret of the Runes contains examples of virtually all of his major philosophical themes. No other work so clearly and simply sets forth the full spectrum of his fantastic vision of a mystical philosophy based on ancient Germanic principles.

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The True History of the American Revolution

Sydney Fisher

In this authoritative work, historian Sydney Fisher presents a nuanced account of the American revolution that focuses on the reasoning and motivations for both sides of the conflict. Fisher strives for objectivity in his treatment of the events and personalities involved, managing to tell both sides of the story where most authors favor only one. In Fisher’s words: “The purpose of this history of the Revolution is to use the original authorities rather more frankly than has been the practice with our historians. They appear to have thought it advisable to omit from their narratives a great deal which, to me, seems essential to a true picture” (from the preface).

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Dreams in Old Norse Literature

Georgia Kelchner

Dreams in Old Norse Literature is the outcome of intensive research conducted by Georgia Kelchner over the course of seven years at Cambridge. Kelchner’s landmark work examines the role of dreams in the Icelandic Sagas and other Old Norse literature, as well as various sources of ancient Scandinavian folklore. Of particular note is how the concept of dreams evolved with the advent of Christianity, with Kelchner noting parallels and changes in later post-conversion folklore to further inform an understanding of the importance of dreams to the pre-conversion Norse.

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Reforging America

Lothrop Stoddard

A brief history the nation from a racial perspective, Reforging America describes its founding by European settlers and its changing ethnic makeup due to immigration. Stoddard illustrates how the preservation of our nationhood must be achieved through immigration restriction, with peaceful race relations maintained through self-segregation, in order to defeat the communist agenda of racial integration and mass immigration. Due to the optimism of the period in which he wrote, Stoddard underestimated danger of communist subversion, and only now, after years of decline resulting from their “long march,” are his predictions finally realized. As we enter a new period of optimism founded on national solidarity and the destruction of American communism, this book seems almost prophetic in its accuracy.

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A Brief Racial History of the German People

Hans F. K. Guenther

Founder of biological nationalism H. F. K. Guenther’s abridged version of his monumental “Racial History of the German Peoples” presents the meticulous research of that seminal work in a clear and accessible manner, with a focus on “attention to the innate – to heredity, race, selection, racial composition and racial change of the occidental peoples, and the possibilities of a regeneration of these peoples through hereditary health and racial care” (from the preface).

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Gianfranco Drioli

The Ahnenerbe: esoteric order or scientific organization? This question, through the analysis of the research of exponents such as Karl Maria Wiligut, Herman Wirth and the chronicle of its scientific expeditions, the first part of Gianfranco Drioli’s articulate work tries to give an answer. But what remained of the Ahnenerbe after the war? We find the answer in the second part of his work, where the author examines those researches that were continued either by former members of the organization, or by scientists who took up its themes and methodologies, such as Jurgen Spanuth and Jacques De Mahieu. Julius Evola, Savitri Devi, Miguel Serrano and an interview with a mysterious Ahnenerbe associate in exile conclude this informative and curious work.

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Freemasonry and Judaism

Léon de Poncins

Vicomte Léon de Poncins was the author of a wide range of celebrated books that expose the subversive influences working in secret to undermine European civilization. De Poncins’ meticulously documented book Freemasonry and Judaism covers a centuries-long history in which he exposes with irrefutable clarity the hidden forces responsible for destroying the nations of Europe. The endless revolutions of democracy and communism over the last centuries are uncovered as a Judeo-Masonic plot to overthrow the ancient regimes by force and install those “enlightened” systems in their place as the new world order. With extensive proof, de Poncins demonstrates the method by which that goal has come dangerously close to being achieved.

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Lanz von Liebenfels and the New Templar Order

Rudolf J. Mund

This work presents the true history of the New Templar Order and its founder, Lanz von Liebenfels. The real Dr. Lanz, whose brilliant legacy was tainted by the lying press, is revealed through a comparison of manipulated and actual statements, a refutation of malicious allegations, and an outline of his teachings as a deeply religious man who not only spoke of positive Christianity but also proved its existence.

Like Herman Wirth, Lanz was able to prove from historical research that Nordic man was the bearer of this religion long before the Aryan period. His discovery that all religions were in origin racial cults with the purpose of eugenic breeding, and could be traced back to a single ancestor religion – the original Christianity – gave new meaning to the concept of perennialism.

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Blood Passover

Ariel Toaff

For the last several centuries, there have been rumors of various Jewish groups or individuals engaged in human sacrifices or ritual murder for religious purposes. This book analyzes the cultural and historical background to a notorious 1475 murder trial in Italy where a group of Jews were accused of murdering a young boy, later known as Simon of Trent, and using his blood for Passover rites. The reader is presented this infamous case in a scholarly manner that aims to draw out facts and leave speculation behind, as the use of a medieval case study helps to illuminate much needed scholarly scrutiny on a topic that has for too long been obfuscated or dismissed out of hand without serious inquiry.

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Magika Hiera

Various authors

This collection challenges the tendency among scholars of ancient Greece to see magical and religious ritual as mutually exclusive and to ignore “magical” practices in Greek religion. The contributors survey specific bodies of archaeological, epigraphical, and papyrological evidence for magical practices in the Greek world, and, in each case, discuss how the traditional dichotomy between magic and religion works to conceptualize the objective features of the evidence examined.

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Between the Worlds

Various authors

The rich corpus of literary otherworld journeys that has survived from the Scandinavian Middle Ages is in many respects tied to a space ‘Between the Worlds’. Every otherworld journey engages with a space ‘between the worlds’ in the sense that it plays itself out between this world and a world beyond, an otherworld. This volume presents a rich panorama of a broad range of Scandinavian, Celtic, and Slavic perspectives on the topic of the ‘otherworld journey’, which contextualises the motif of the otherworld journey in Old Norse literature with an unprecedented breadth.

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Apollonius of Tyana

G. R. S. Mead

A comprehensive study of the Neopythagorean philosopher and magician, Apollonius of Tyana by the eminent religious scholar G. R. S. Mead examines the life and teachings of this legendary historical figure. Mead presents a critical analysis of texts by and about the philosopher, also providing “an introduction on the religious associations and brotherhoods of the times and the possible influence of Indian thought on Greece” (from the preface).

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Atlantis – The Mystery Unravelled

Jürgen Spanuth

Building on the research of Herman Wirth and the Ahnenerbe Society, Jürgen Spanuth developed his thesis of a prehistoric catastrophe in the North Sea leading to the submergence of an island nation, which he interpreted as the mythical Atlantis. From a comprehensive study of historical and archeological evidence, Spanuth proceeded to identify the survivors of this disaster as the historical “Sea Peoples” who invaded Europe during the Bronze Age collapse. This is a facsimile edition.

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Rose Cross Over the Baltic

Susanna Åkerman

Investigating the millenarian aspect of Rosicrucianism as it emerges from a reading of Johannes Bureus’ papers, Åkerman shows that the Paracelsian prophecy of the Lion of the North (often associated with the myth of a Nordic Superman) was an essential ingredient in the political use of the Rosicrucian writings.

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Gold in the Furnace

Savitri Devi

Gold in the Furnace is an ardent National Socialist’s vivid and moving account of life in occupied Germany during the aftermath of World War II. Savitri Devi describes in vivid detail how German citizens were subjected to pogroms of imprisonment, starvation, and murder by their Allied “liberators.” Yet in spite of this disaster, Savitri did not view it as the end of National Socialism, but as a purification – a trial by fire separating the base metal from the gold – and a prelude to a new beginning.

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War as Inner Experience

Ernst Jünger

In his war diaries “In Stahlgewittern” (1920) and “Der Kampf als inneres Erlebnis” (1926), Jünger glorified the war as a mythical natural event, from which he saw a “new steel-hard blow of man entering the present”. From the horror of the trenches to the sound and fury of the battlefields on the Western front, Jünger celebrates war as a total event belonging to our nature. For him, Man is not destroyed but created by war; he is measured by his capacity to endure pain and sacrifice – if war brings cruel death, it also brings the re-birth of a new Man and of a new world.

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Memoirs from Beyond the Grave

François-René de Chateaubriand

François-René, vicomte de Chateaubriand, was a writer, adventurer, and statesman during the period of the French Revolution. His literary work represents the last intellectual flourishing of a decadent nobility, and justifies his place as a founder of the Romantic school of literature. Chateaubriand’s posthumous Memoirs are a poignant and reflective depiction of his tumultuous life amidst the chaos of the Revolution and the Napoleonic wars, to the eve of the Second Republic and the decline of the French monarchy.

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Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World

Gerald Massey

The culmination of a life-long search for the origins of religious thought, Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World represents an overlooked milestone in the field of comparative mythology. Gerald Massey’s panoramic study of ancient Egyptian religion and its legacy guides the reader through millennia of worldwide cultural and spiritual development, all the while pointing to a distant, common, Egyptian origin.

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Blood and Soil

Anna Bramwell

One of the rare unbiased accounts of National Socialist political history, this book follows the career of Richard Walther Darré as minister of agriculture for the NSDAP. Darré was an influential figure who developed the titular ideology of “Blood and Soil” – a revolutionary system of natural conservation that placed specific emphasis on the rural peasantry as custodians of nature and the foundation of racial purity.

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Germany’s Third Empire

Arthur Moeller van den Bruck

In 1923, when Germany was in the throes of revolution, Moeller van den Bruck envisioned a Germany that was radical, traditional and nationalistic. Angered by the harsh conditions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles, and frustrated by the reforms of the Weimar Republic, he examined all of the major political doctrines of his day and found them wanting. Instead, he called for a return to empire – an empire of all German-speaking peoples, with a social hierarchy based upon communal values and German traditions.

An advocate of German nationalism, Moeller van den Bruck (1876-1925) was primarily a man of letters who authored an eight-volume history of great figures from German history. He served as a soldier in the First World War, and later as a press officer in the Foreign Ministry. After the war, he was involved in nationalist politics, becoming a co-founder of the Juniklub (June Club), one of the centers of the so-called Conservative Revolution.

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Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin

Dietrich Eckart

Dietrich Eckart was born on March 23, 1868, in the Bavarian town of Neumarkt, which is about twenty miles southeast of Nürnberg, and he died on December 26, 1923, in Berchtesgaden. He was a poet, a playwright, a journalist, a scholar, and a philosopher, as well as a dedicated fighter for the National Socialist cause.

This book has been translated from a pamphlet found in the NSDAP Hauptarchiv. Its German title was Der Bolschewismus von Moses bis Lenin: Zwiegespräch zwischen Adolf Hitler und mir, and it was originally published in Munich in March, 1924, from unfinished notes on which Dietrich Eckart had been working in the autumn of 1923.

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Origins and Doctrine of Fascism

Giovanni Gentile

A document of major significance in the rise of Italian Fascism, political philosopher Giovanni Gentile’s brief exposition of its ideological framework is crucial to understanding the intellectual, emotional, and political substance of the Fascist system. Included in this book are Gentile’s The Origins and Doctrine of Fascism and selections from two of his related works, namely What is Fascism? and The Reform of Education.

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Collected Writings

Gottfried Feder

Gottfried Feder was the principal economic theorist for the initial phase of the National Socialist movement. Feder’s 1919 book “Manifesto for Breaking the Thralldom of Interest” and his speech before a German Workers’ Party meeting that same year provided the immediate inspiration for Adolf Hitler’s entry into politics.

Feder’s socialist and anti-capitalist ideas subsequently found expression in Hitler’s 25-point program for the NSDAP, as well as in Feder’s own book, “German State on the National Socialist Foundation”, considered by Hitler to be “the catechism of the movement.” This collection includes all three of Feder’s major works.

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The Alexiad

Anna Komnene

The Alexiad is a medieval historical and biographical text written around the year 1148 by the Byzantine princess Anna Komnene, daughter of Emperor Alexios I Komnenos. It describes the political and military history of the Byzantine Empire during the reign of Alexios, including the Empire’s interaction with the Crusades and the conflict between the East and West in the early 12th century.

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Faith and Folk

Various authors

A selection of Third Reich handbooks intended mainly for the youth and family, Faith and Folk is a basic introduction to the principles of National Socialist philosophy. The first handbook entitled Faith and Action is a “Book of Virtues” outlining the traits that National Socialist youth were to have, honor, and respect. The second, Faith and Struggle, presents an outline of the National Socialist worldview and a short biography of Hitler, as well as brief histories of the NSDAP, the SS and Germany itself. The third book You and Your People contains a summary of the National Socialist worldview that focuses on political education and moral guidance for the youth.

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Before Hitler Came

Rudolf von Sebottendorff

Rudolf von Sebottendorf (1875 – 1945) was a founder of the Thule Society and leader of the Bavarian Germanenorden whose ideas influenced many of the early members of NSDAP. His major work Before Hitler Came describes the political situation in Germany during the interwar period and the involvement of the Thule Society in the emergence of the Third Reich.

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The Racial Elements of European History

Hans F. K. Guenther

In this classic study on the influence of race in European history, the eminent scholar of human biodiversity Hans F. K. Guenther illustrates the historic spread of European racial types by analyzing their expression in the physiognomy of individuals from various geographical regions and social classes. Fully illustrated in black and white.

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The Mystery of Hyperborea

Julius Evola

Who were the Indo-Europeans? In The Mystery of Hyperborea, Julius Evola approaches this fascinating question from the perspective of radical traditionalism to uncover the deepest mysteries of the Aryan race. His collected writings show that all European cultures derive from a common source, implying the presence of an original race from which the indigenous peoples of Europe descended, and to which all of their traditional beliefs can be traced.

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Theurgy: On the Egyptian Mysteries


An unparalleled compendium of knowledge from the ancient Egyptian and Chaldaean mystery traditions, Theurgy by the neoplatonist philosopher Iamblichus is an encyclopedic history of cultic beliefs and practices in the ancient Near East. Through a concise description of their esoteric principles, this book reveals the origins and development of ancient spiritual traditions regarding cosmology, divination, the afterlife, and many other subjects.

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Atlantis, Edda and Bible

Hermann Wieland

The first ever English translation of Hermann Wielaind’s epic retelling of the esoteric history of Atlantis and the truth about ancient Aryan religion. Banned and destroyed by the Allied forces following World War II, this cornerstone work of the ages has remained hidden to the Anglophone world until now. Going beyond the saga of Atlantis, Wieland goes further into the darkened depths of history to reveal how the true religion and heritage of the Aryan race has been falsified and stolen from us for thousands of years. Atlantis, Edda and Bible not only exposes the forces behind this concerted effort to destroy the Aryan peoples but also ultimately reveals the secret and hidden message of the Holy Bible itself.

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Blood and Honor

Alfred Rosenberg

This version of Blood and Honor by Alfred Rosenberg is machine translated from the original text.

The first chapter comprises sixteen of Rosenberg’s writings from 1919 to 1933 dealing with the National Socialist struggle against the Weimar Republic. Also included are his article on the occasion of Adolf Hitler’s birthday in 1923 and the work’s original foreword by Thilo von Trotha dated November 9, 1933.

The second chapter contains twenty writings from 1922 to 1933, including the introduction to his work “Essence, Principles and Goals of the NSDAP”.

The third chapter features seventeen of Rosenberg’s writings from 1920 to 1933.

The fourth chapter consists of eleven writings from 1925 to 1933 about foreign policy in both the Weimar Republic and the very early Third Reich. Sometimes addressing the world outside Germany, he also emphasizes National Socialism as a worldview based on race science and race respect as opposed to race hatred.

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Foundations of Blood and Soil

Richard Walther Darré & Johann von Leers

This collection of newly translated material by Johann von Leers and Richard Walther Darré includes the major works of nationalist philosophy “Blood and Race in Legislation” and “A New Ordering of Our Thought,” as well as shorter books and articles concerning racial history, class relations, and modern society.

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Odal: The Life-Law of an Eternal Germany

Johann von Leers

In this work, Johann von Leers argues that Germanic history has long possessed its foundation primarily in peasant man and his attitude toward law, duty, and freedom, nature, culture, and the people, and that the abandonment of this foundation has had extremely disastrous effects. From this point of view, he presents an account that focuses on the history of the German peasantry, its way of life, struggles and enemies. This is a machine translation.

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The Peasantry as Lifespring of the Nordic Race

Richard Walther Darré

In this first English edition of his seminal work, Darré examines the subject of class from a racialist perspective, emphasizing the importance of rural workers in European society. This is a machine-translated facsimile edition.

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A History of Roman Religion

Franz Altheim

“A History of Roman Religion” is a comprehensive overview of the degeneracy of Aryan Rome into semitized catholicism. Written in 1938 it traces this decline and fall from the origin of Rome to its demise.

Franz Altheim (6 October 1898 – 17 October 1976) was a German classical philologist and historian who specialized in the history of classical antiquity. During the 1930s and 1940s, Altheim served as a member of Ahnenerbe, a think tank controlled by the Schutzstaffel (SS), the paramilitary wing of the NSDAP, and as a spy for the SS.

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The Swastika: Earliest Known Symbol

Thomas Wilson

In The Swastika, Thomas Wilson analyzes copious evidence from both ancient and modern civilizations in order to interpret the meaning of this archetypal symbol as it appears throughout the history of mankind. This is a facsimile edition.

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The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times

René Guénon

In The Reign of Quantity, Guénon seeks to understand “some of the darkest enigmas of the modern world, enigmas which the world itself denies because it is incapable of perceiving them although it carries them within itself, and because this denial is an indispensable condition for the maintenance of the special mentality whereby it exists.”

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The Religion of the Aryo-Germanic Folk

Guido von List

Originally published in the 1920s as a companion volume to List’s major work The Secret of the Runes, this book provides a general outline of his religious philosophy. From etymology to comparative religion, List employs an impressive range of study to explain the principles of Armanism.

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The Crisis of the Modern World

René Guénon

The Crisis of the Modern World is Guénon’s most direct application of traditional metaphysics to the issues of modern society. Here, Guénon analyzes the ‘Western deviation’ representing a loss of tradition, rampant individualism and generalized social chaos.

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The Oera Linda Book

William Sandbach

This controversial “lost” history tells of a great island continent in northern Europe inhabited by a highly civilized race during the third millennium BC. The island was later destroyed by an immense catastrophe, but enough of its inhabitants escaped to carry their civilization elsewhere.

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Two Hundred Years Together

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Solzhenitsyn’s last book is a history of the Jews in Russia. While the first chapter goes back into the mists of history, and the first appearance of Jews in Russia during the first millennium A.D., his main focus is on the 19th and 20th centuries. The English translation is extremely rare due to its suppression in the West.

This edition is based on the 2017 version compiled by The Incorrect Library, which is possibly the most complete English translation in existence (only a small section of Chapter 1 and a few footnotes are missing).

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Gentile Folly: The Rothschilds

Arnold Leese

The companion volume to Leese’s more popular work My Irrelevant Defense, this pamphlet outlines a history of the elusive Rothschild family and their “control over the Gentile by sheer weight of money-power” (from the Preface).

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Germania: History of the Third Reich


The work of an anonymous scholar, Germania is a detailed chronology of the major historical events in Germany and abroad during the period of the Third Reich. It is published here with the intention of supporting the author’s effort to preserve historical truth against the current program of censorship and revisionism.

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The Aryans

V. Gordon Childe

A fascinating account of the racial history of Europe and Asia, The Aryans explores (among other related topics) the origins and diffusion of the language to which English, together with Classical Greek, Latin and Sanskrit, is heir. This is a facsimile edition.

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The Decline of the West

Oswald Spengler

A sweeping account of Western culture by a historian of legendary intellect, this is an astonishingly informed, forcefully eloquent, thrillingly controversial work that advances a world view based on the cyclical rise and fall of civilizations.

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The Hour of Decision

Oswald Spengler

Written fifteen years after Spengler’s masterpiece of cultural and historical reasoning, The Decline of the West, this book is a warning to the European people of two dangers – from below; a class war, and from without; racial conflict.

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The Masks of Dreams

Karl Spiesberger

Karl Spiesberger, best known for his research into the occult, here presents an examination of the dream phenomenon and its interpretation from various contemporary perspectives. Starting from a purely scientific explanation, Spiesberger proceeds through analyses of the psychological and spiritualist paradigms to arrive at the esoteric truth about dreams and their interpretation. Included is a glossary of archetypal dream symbols and their occult meaning.

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The Mask and Face of Contemporary Spiritualism

Julius Evola

Mask and Face is Evola’s critique of the spiritual schools, cults, philosophies, and mystical teachers of the 20th century. In it, he compares such newer spiritual “systems” to the traditional spiritual path of the ancients and exposes the misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and occult dangers lurking in their practices. This translation is based on the updated 2008 version of the Italian original.

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The Kingdom of Agarttha

Saint-Yves d’Alveydre

The hidden realm of Agarttha was first revealed to the Western world in 1886 by the French esoteric philosopher Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre in his book “Mission de l’Europe en Asie,” translated here as The Kingdom of Agarttha. Saint-Yves’s book revealed that deep beneath the Himalayas are found enormous underground cities ruled by a sovereign pontiff known as the Brahâtma. Throughout history, the “unknown superiors” cited by various secret societies and esoteric groups were believed to be emissaries from this realm who had moved underground at the onset of the Kali-Yuga.

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The Esotericism of the Popol Vuh

Raphael Girard

In this authoritative study, Professor Girard emphasizes the spiritual nature of Mayan tradition and their understanding of its importance in the journey to achieve human perfection. His book “demonstrates beyond question that at the heart of Maya religion and custom there is a sophisticated spiritual philosophy with clear correspondences not only to ancient Mexican as well as Andean cosmogony and creation mythology, but also to the mythoi and cultures of other parts of the world” (from the preface).

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SS Ideology

Various authors

The following texts are transcribed from scans of SS Ideology Vol. 1 through 4, dated 1988 to 1994, and presented in the chronological order of their original publication. Each text is provided with a reference to the volume it was transcribed from, as well as a reference to the German text from which it was sourced (where available). Many textual errors were corrected, but the illustrations have been completely omitted, due to the poor quality of the scans. Credit goes to the anonymous editors and the Thule-Italia group for making this publication available.

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The Cosmology of the Rigveda

H. W. Wallis

The Rigveda is an ancient Indo-Aryan collection of Vedic hymns with associated commentaries on liturgy, ritual and mystical exegesis. In The Cosmology of the Rigveda, H. W. Wallis conducts a brief yet thorough investigation of cosmological elements in the Rigveda to provide a clear picture of the ancient Vedic worldview for modern readers. This is a facsimile edition.

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Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism

Algis Uždavinys

This book is a recapitulation or a critical reassessment of ancient and contemporary literature devoted to Orpheus, giving special attention to his relations with both the Egyptian and the Platonic tradition. At the heart of this book we have a glimpse into the substance, nature and development of the Orphic mysteries, with fascinating insights into the relations between Egyptian initiation, through the Greek mysteries and classical philosophy, to Neoplatonic and Hermetic thought.

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Esoterism and the Symbolic

R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz

As a contemporary “renaissance man,” R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz may fall into that category of genius shared by such luminaries as Rudolf Steiner and Emanuel Swedenborg. He combined the talents of social reformer, artist, scientist, visionary, and mystic to formulate ideas that were so far ahead of their time they seemed doomed, until recently, to be ignored.

This work represents the first important breakthrough in our comprehension of Egypt since Champollion deciphered the Rosetta Stone. The author’s penetration of its symbolism and his intuitive reading of the hieroglyphs situates Egypt, not Greece, as the cradle of our Western heritage. His work serves as a guide that will initiate the reader into the authentic tone, structure, and mentality of Egyptian wisdom.

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Universal Religion

Charles Dupuis

Charles François Dupuis (1742 – 1809) was a renowned polymath, academic, and legislator of the First Republic. Together with his compatriot Volney, Dupuis was responsible for developing the “Christ myth” theory, which argued that Christianity was a syncretic combination of earlier polytheistic religions.

The present work is a foundational text of comparative mythology that outlines Dupuis’ theory on the common source of all religions. With ample evidence to support the extraordinary claims of his theory, Dupuis clearly demonstrates the astronomical basis of early myth and its subsequent influence on Christianity.

This is a facsimile of the 1872 edition printed in New Orleans.

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Prussian Socialism and Other Essays

Oswald Spengler

In the foreword to this series of essays and lectures written mainly during the interwar era, Spengler describes that period as “the years when, after the low point of disgrace, misfortune and dishonourable behaviour, national contemplation began and developed into a movement that has finally become very powerful, not only internally but also abroad.”

Collected in this volume are the essays “Prussianism and Socialism” and “Building of the New German Reich,” as well as other important works by Spengler associated with the so-called Conservative Revolution, including “Political Duties of the German Youth” and “The German National Character.”

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The Book of Life

Marsilio Ficino

Marsilio Ficino, born in Florence in 1433, was one of the greatest exemplars of the Renaissance as a rebirth of classical learning. Ficino was the leader of the Florentine Platonic Academy and translator of many neo-Platonic and Hermetic works, including at the urging of Cosimo de Medici, the Corpus Hermeticum.

The Book of Life is not a translation, but an original work by Ficino written as an introductory guide to the practical application of esoteric knowledge. The work is mainly focused not on the soul or body, but on the spirit, with the first part discussing physical health, the second prolonging life, and the third celestial phenomena.

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Worldview and Movement

Povl Riis-Knudsen

“National Socialism – the Biological World View” was first published in Danish in 1985. Extracts from the booklet have been reprinted in a Danish school book, broadcast on national radio and read in public debates. It is a major ideological work and the philosophical counterpart of Knudsen’s tactical reflections in his booklet “National Socialism – A Left Wing Movement”. Both works are presented here in full.

Povl Heinrich Riis-Knudsen was born in 1949 at Aalborg, Denmark, the son of a Danish Waffen-SS Hauptscharführer. He founded and later directed several National Socialist groups in Denmark and was the leader of the General Secretary of The World Union of National Socialists (WUNS). His writing represents ideological and political realism as it was taught by Adolf Hitler and George Lincoln Rockwell.

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Sacred Science

R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz

Schwaller de Lubicz was a mystic, Egyptologist, and co-founder of the esoteric right-wing group Les Veilleurs (“The Vigilants”), to which the young Rudolf Hess belonged. In Sacred Science, the author demonstrates how the natural philosophy of ancient Egypt was altered by the Greeks in their attempt to rationalize its fundamental concepts. Through an integrated study of these concepts, de Lubicz uncovers the transformative “royal principle” of metaphysical science held sacred by the ancient Egyptians.

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Sports Regulations for the Army


Approved in 1938 and published by E. S. Mittler & Son, Sports Regulations for the Army was a physical education manual for the land warfare component of the Wehrmacht. It was intended to give soldiers advice and instruction on elements of personal fitness and group discipline, as well as to direct commanders how best to implement these kinds of activities. The translation project was a long-running collaborative effort over a number of months, and the spectacular end product is the result of the work of many individuals on the dissident-right who volunteered their time.

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Hamlet’s Mill

Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend

A lost classic of modern perennialism, Hamlet’s Mill was a significant but unrecognized contribution to the scientific understanding of ancient religions. Proceeding from the assumption that mythology represents a pre-scientific technical language of celestial phenomena, the authors perform a comparative analysis of texts and images from Scandinavia to India to the New World, demonstrating that an advanced knowledge of equinoctial precession is evident in all myths of a golden age and its passing. This is a digitally enhanced reprint of the first edition.

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The Serpent of Paradise

Miguel Serrano

The Serpent of Paradise is a reflection on the author’s pilgrimage through India before the influence of modernity changed its ancestral culture forever. A poetic account of his journey to holy sites, ice caves, and ashrams, this book is meant as an esoteric guide along the Heroic path “for those who once again will want to pass beyond the poles.” This is a facsimile edition.

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Black Sunlight

Savitri Devi

Savitri Devi (1905-1982) was the originator of an influential philosophy that combined elements of National Socialism and traditional Indo-European religion. The essays, letters, and excerpts found in this book represent a comprehensive overview of her ideas on the nature of Aryan spirituality and its place in the modern world.

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The Mystery of the Grail

Julius Evola

The original version of Julius Evola’s Mystery of the Grail formed an appendix to the first edition of his masterpiece, Revolt Against the Modern World (1934). Three years later he reworked that appendix into the present book, which first appeared as part of a series of religious and esoteric studies published by the renowned Laterza Publishers in Bari, Italy.

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Late Works

Miguel Serrano

Compiled in these volumes are the major articles, essays, and shorter books written by Serrano in the years from 1992 to 2005. The works are a revelation of his brilliant insight on the hidden truths of the world, from the Americas to Europe and the remote past to the coming future.

Volume I contains The New Transnational Order and Patagonia, We Will Not Celebrate the Death of the White Gods, Imitation of the Truth, and The Deliverance of Patagonia by Magic. These works are focused on the metapolitical issues facing contemporary Western civilization, including the dangers of globalism, technocracy, and secret societies.

Volume II contains Maya: Reality is an Illusion and The Son of the Widower. In the former, it is affirmed that the Germans had perfected the science of duplication, and that the Rudolf Hess murdered in Spandau prison was a double. In the latter, Serrano presents a synthesis of all his work through a detailed and profound analysis of esoteric Christianity, the esotericism of Islam and that of the Hitlerite SS.

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The Golden Cord

Miguel Serrano

In 1978 Miguel Serrano published his first book on Esoteric Hitlerism which came to be his lifelong philosophy and passion. He spent most of his life learning the hidden or “occult” aspects of National Socialism, traveling the entire world to meet prominent figures who would quench his thirst for knowledge. With his blend of Tantric-Kundalini Yoga, the mystery of the Runes, Ariosophy, the secret rites of the Troubadours and Minnesingers and their “mystical love,” the Cathars, his Gnostic beliefs, his fascination with “The Mysteries” and being initiated into a mystical order in Chile, Serrano had access to extensive secret and occult knowledge.

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Miguel Serrano

Compiled in this volume is a selection of works by Miguel Serrano on the subject of metaphysical love, including EL/ELLA, The Ultimate Flower, The Visits of the Queen of Sheba, and The Mysteries. Serrano’s visionary synthesis of archetypal psychology and occult philosophy weaves a golden thread of romantic mysticism into the writings collected here.

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The Grail as Nordic Mystery

Julius Evola

Never before published in English, this rare book includes a collection of essays written by Evola during the period from 1932 to 1952, and a series of lectures delivered at the German-Italian Society in 1938. The material is largely concerned with the role of European myth and tradition in the modern world.

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NOS: Book of the Resurrection

Miguel Serrano

NOS, Book of the Resurrection, is considered by many to be Serrano’s magnum opus. A work of profound literary and philosophical depth, NOS describes the fall of Man and his redemption through Eternal Love.

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Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar

Miguel Serrano

A book that describes the ongoing, titanic and eternal battle between Gods and Devils, between dark forces and the coming Hyperborean age. A voice beckoning the Hyperborean archetype, urging those who understand to fight against the eternal Enemy. A catalyst for the Memory of the Blood setting one on the Hyperborean path of enlightenment.

This new edition finally brings together all 950 pages of the original text in two paperback or hardcover volumes.

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MANU: For the Man to Come

Miguel Serrano

“Manu is a Divinity who returns to re-initiate a new Cycle of Manifestation, to incarnate yet again in man. He comes as the Lawgiver and Father of a Root-Race. (Hence the Code of the Laws of Manu). And he is a man, a Divinity made man; he is the man who comes, ‘who will come’ after the catastrophe, the Twilight of the Gods and Heroes, in the Eternal Return.” – Miguel Serrano

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Contra Matriarchy

Julius Evola

In this compilation of Evola’s writings matriarchy is unveiled in its origins and analogs in character types and cultural phenomena as well as the very structure of modernity.

It is essential to understand what matriarchy is, through what channels it was given birth and what solutions still exist in the nadir of the Kali Yuga to rectify the problem.

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The Resurrection of the Hero

Miguel Serrano

The Resurrection of the Hero by Miguel Serrano is the newest English translation made available of his works. This book, probably more than any of his others, delves deeply into the origins of ‘religion’ and it’s true meaning. Serrano takes the reader through religion’s inner, esoteric, alchemical and astrological meanings. Beginning with the most ancient Mithraism to Zarathustra, Kristianism and beyond (the Age of Aquarius, the Age of the Ultimate Avatar); you will come to see that all dying and resurrected Gods are zodiacal weapons for the Heroes to fight with. The new Futhark has been revealed, the reader will enter the world of the Archetype, the Avatar, and perhaps even find an exit, a window, a strategic departure from the Eternal Return. This edition also includes photos that have been translated into English from the original Spanish work.

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Vril – The Power of the Coming Race

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

This early science fiction novel offers a fascinating vision of an underworld populated by creatures resembling the angels of Christian scripture. These beings live underground, but are planning soon to claim the surface of the earth as their own – destroying humankind in the process.

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The King of the World

René Guénon

The King of the World is the true authority on Earth and reference to him can be found in every tradition. He is associated with name Manu amongst the Hindus, Metatron among the Kabbalists, and Melchizedec in the Judeo-Christian tradition. His abode is sometimes called “Agarttha”; a place analogous to the “Siddhashram” of the Yogis or the “Shambhala” of the Tibetan Buddhists. The idea of Agarttha often gives rise to wild and imaginative accounts of secret underground cities and the like, but in this book you can discover what this place really is and how it functions in the present time-phase.

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Wolfram von Eschenbach

Considered by many to be the finest example of German medieval poetry, Parzival was likely written within the early years of the thirteenth century by the enigmatic Wolfram von Eschenbach; a knight and minnesanger of Bavarian lineage.

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The Complete Prose Works

Richard Wagner

The world knows Richard Wagner as a daring musical genius; a few know him as a poet who wrote the poems for his own dramas; fewer still know him as a writer, philosopher and mystic. His voluminous prose works, including The Artwork of the Future and Judaism in Music, are presented here in English.

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Folklore and Legends of Scandinavia

Charles John Tibbitts

This rare and informative book features a selection of twenty-eight folktales from Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and the Isle of Rugen (Germany). Also included are selections from the Icelandic Sagas and the Prose Edda.

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The Reform of Education

Giovanni Gentile

Through his work at the Critica journal, Gentile sought to re-establish the tradition of philosophical studies in Italy. The present work outlines his view on the danger of naturalism in popular thought and the significance of idealistic philosophy as a necessary response. This is a facsimile edition.

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On Race

Julius Evola

A unique selection of articles and short works by Evola representing an overview of the Italian philosopher’s thought on a variety of subjects, from history and politics to esotericism and religion. This is the first such collection of articles to be published in English.

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The Theology of Arithmetic


Attributed to the neo-Pythagorean philosopher Iamblichus, this important sourcework discusses the mystical, mathematical and cosmological symbolism of the first ten numbers. The most complete work on number symbolism to survive from the ancient world, it remains indispensable for any student of Pythagorean thought, Neoplatonism, or numerology. This careful translation contains helpful footnotes, an extensive glossary, and bibliography, making it highly accessible to the modern reader.

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The Philosophy of Art

Giovanni Gentile

Giovanni Gentile (1875 – 1944) was one of the major figures in the rise of idealism in Italy during the early twentieth century. A professor of philosophy at several Italian universities, Gentile also served in many political roles under Mussolini, for whom he acted as ghostwriter of “The Doctrine of Fascism” in 1931. He developed the system of philosophy known as actual idealism, in which the present act of thinking was the foundation of all human behavior. This book is Gentile’s application of idealist philosophy to the problems of art and aesthetics.

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Why We Fight

Various authors

Written by the personnel office of the Wehrmacht as an introduction to the principles of National Socialism, this book “is intended to be a guide for the officer in his ideological orientation and an intellectual tool for the political education and training of his soldiers.” Designed mainly as a reference book, Why We Fight clarifies the National Socialist position on a variety of important subjects with brief and precise explanations that dispel any confusion about what being a National Socialist actually means.

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The Nature of Man

Jacques de Mahieu

What is man? Almost half a century ago, an acute French thinker, who had emigrated to Argentina due to the vicissitudes of the catastrophe that was the Second World War in Europe, attempted to answer the question posed. The result is this book. Not everyone will agree with its conclusions – on the one hand, because it forces us to revise the paradigms that make up today’s “politically correct” thinking, and on the other, because it simply forces us to think and reflect – but anyone truly seeking to understand human nature will find it invaluable.

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Man and his Becoming According to the Vedanta

René Guénon

Man and his Becoming is Guénon’s central exposition of traditional metaphysics, companion to his other two great works in this genre: The Symbolism of the Cross and The Multiple States of Being. Guénon held that Hinduism embraces the most ancient, profound, and comprehensive expression of traditional metaphysics we possess, which can in some ways function as a key to every other traditional form, and this work has been called the first reliable exposition of Hindu metaphysics in any Western language.

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The Political Right

Julius Evola

An exhaustive collection of Evola’s writing on the subject of politics, The Political Right brings together his major works Fascism Viewed From the Right, Notes on the Third Reich, and A Traditionalist Confronts Fascism, including selected articles on Italian Fascism and the Right in other countries from the period of 1930 to 1942, as well as several articles on National Socialism written from 1933 to 1971.

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The Multiple States of Being

René Guénon

In this work, Guénon offers a brilliant explication of the metaphysical order and its manifestations, of the divine hierarchies and what has been called the Great Chain of Being, and in so doing demonstrates how intellective or intrinsic knowledge is a true Way of Liberation. Here, Guénon the metaphysical social critic, comparative religionist, researcher of esotericism, and herald of spiritual renewal, disappears. Only reality remains.

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The Great Triad

René Guénon

Guénon’s The Great Triad was the last book to appear during his lifetime. Even for his regular readers, this book contained largely new material, as did his The Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus, published the same year. The author here refers especially to the Chinese tradition, principally in its Taoist form (though touching on Confucianism as well), in which the ‘Great Triad’ is defined as Heaven-Man-Earth.

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The Philosophy of Fascism

Mario Palmieri

“In Italy, as well as abroad, much has been written about Fascism and its origin… And yet, notwithstanding all which has been written, very few, especially abroad, have understood its essence; and the true spiritual forces which generated it have not always received the right interpretation.

This work of Mr. Palmieri on ‘The Philosophy of Fascism’ fills a greatly felt deficiency of such bibliography with its exposition of the spiritual aspects of Fascism, and is therefore highly appreciated in times like the present, when the desire to know Fascism in its true essence is becoming so thoroughly widespread” (from the preface).

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Addresses to the German Nation

Johann Gottlieb Fichte

This series of public lectures, delivered by the idealist philosopher Johann Fichte after the Prussian defeat at Jena in 1806, is widely regarded as a founding document of German nationalism. Fichte’s account of the distinctiveness of the German people and his belief in the native superiority of its culture helped to shape German national identity throughout the nineteenth century and beyond.

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The Pythagorean Library

Various authors

This anthology, the largest collection of Pythagorean writings ever to appear in English, contains the four ancient biographies of Pythagoras and over 25 Pythagorean and Neopythagorean writings from the Classical and Hellenistic periods. The material of this book is indispensable for anyone who wishes to understand the real spiritual roots of Western civilization.

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Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus

René Guénon

This book is devoted to questions regarding the nature of the infinite as both a mathematical concept and as symbolism for the initiatic path. According to Guénon, infinity represents a higher level of reality than that of quantity, which is the only level recognized by modern science. The quantitative aspect of number is merely an approximation of this higher reality, and for Guénon, the modern scientific conception of infinitesimal number as equivalent to infinity symbolizes a loss of higher consciousness in the West.

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Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman

Savitri Devi

“These pages reflect the experience of a long life dominated by a single state of mind – nostalgia for original Perfection – and devoted to a single struggle: the struggle against all forms of decadence. This struggle – in the spirit of eternal Tradition and therefore more than human – could, in our time, only be identified with that waged, on an immeasurably larger scale, by an immeasurably greater Man (closer to the Eternal) than I, his sincere, but insignificant disciple” (from the preface).

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Warrior Poet

Kurt Eggers

Kurt Eggers was the editor and war correspondent of the SS newspaper Das Schwarze Korps. After he was killed on the Russian front in 1943, a regiment was named after him: the SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers. In essence, he was a true warrior-poet, whose works provide a fascinating look into the soul of an exemplary National Socialist.

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François de la Rochefoucauld

An accomplished soldier and “rebel aristocrat” in his youth, François de la Rochefoucauld (1613-1680) later established himself as a man of letters at the court of Louis XIV. Filled with incisive observations about human nature, la Rochefoucauld’s maxims express the virtue and sophistication of the old nobility that he was said to epitomize. This volume contains the full Reflections and supplemental material from his letters.

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The Philosophy of Alfred Rosenberg

James B. Whisker

In this rare metapolitical study, James Whisker examines the gnostic character of Rosenberg’s philosophy by comparing its fundamental ideas to those of ancient gnosticism. Whisker’s in-depth analysis reveals a definite gnostic influence on the philosophy at the core of National Socialism.

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Maxims and Reflections

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

This collection of aphorisms by the great Johann Wolfgang von Goethe offers a unique glimpse into the mind of an unrivaled artistic genius. His informal writings represent a concise expression of Goethe’s profound insight on both the eternal questions of philosophy and the issues of contemporary society.

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Martin Heidegger

This work is a compilation of Heidegger’s metapolitical essays written mainly during the period from 1927 to 1950. The diverse selection of material includes a letter to Ernst Jünger and an interview with Der Spiegel, in addition to essays on politics, literature, and philosophy.

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Outline of the Fascist Racial Doctrine

Julius Evola

Available in English for the first time, Evola’s definitive work on the subject of race outlines the scientific and metaphysical principles of racialism in the context of Fascist political theory. This machine translation is based on the original German edition published by Evola with the assistance of a German translator, and is distinct from the Italian version published in English as “Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race” by various others.

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Spiritual Virility

Julius Evola

This compilation of the writings of Baron Julius Evola is designed to give the reader a pragmatic compass for navigating the “corrosive waters” of this world. It presents a selection from his works that steers one towards higher existence while remaining engaged in this world on the frontline of the cultural war.

These selections show the obstacles to be overcome and the means of their overcoming. They represent a map of immanent transcendence – not as escapism into a false heaven through pacifistic cowardice, but as an armory from which one can gird himself to fight against the current of disintegration and its agents.

They assist the reader in knowing the enemy and in knowing himself, to “become who he is” – an aristocrat of the soul, an Aryan.

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The Doctrine of Awakening

Julius Evola

Evola considered Buddhism a spiritually active counterpart to the more passive theistic religions. In this examination of its most ancient form, he describes various techniques for liberation from the world of maya, and their place in the larger metaphysical context of Buddhist eschatology.

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Letters to Lucilius


The “moral letters” to Lucilius are a collection of 124 letters that were written by Seneca the Younger during his retirement after being employed by the Emperor Nero for more than ten years. The letters are addressed to Lucilius, then procurator of Sicily.

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On Benefits


On Benefits, written between 56 and 64 CE, is a treatise addressed to Seneca’s close friend Aebutius Liberalis. It is the longest of Seneca’s works dealing with a single topic – specifically, the giving and receiving of gifts and how to express gratitude appropriately. This is a facsimile edition.

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The Prince

Niccolo Machiavelli

Machiavelli’s treatise on the nature of rulers has been regarded as a classic of political philosophy for almost 500 years, due to his all-encompassing understanding of men in power, and the common traits, motives and struggles which characterize them.

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Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines

René Guénon

In this rare work, Guénon explores the relationship between Hindu religion, theology, and metaphysics, leading up to an exhaustive definition and comprehensive overview of Hinduism as it relates to the idea of Tradition.

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On the Shortness of Life


The Stoic writings of the philosopher Seneca offer powerful insights into the art of living, as well as the importance of reason and morality, and continue to provide valuable guidance through their eloquence, lucidity and timeless wisdom.

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Heraclitus of Ephesos (c. 500 BC) was an early pre-Socratic philosopher who believed that life was characterized by strife and change. The surviving fragments of his work suggest that he understood change as synonymous with life, and stressed the importance of waking to the actual meaning of one’s life.

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The Enneads


The manuscripts of Plotinus (c. 204 – 220 AD) represent a definitive example of the philosophy later known as Neoplatonism. Porphyry, a disciple of Plotinus, edited these manuscripts into six groups of nine (enneads in Greek), which are published here in their entirety.

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Marcus Aurelius

Meditations is a series of personal writings by the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180 AD), setting forth his ideas on philosophy and the human condition. It is believed that he wrote this collection of 12 books as a source for his own guidance and self-improvement.

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Early Greek Philosophy

Friedrich Nietzsche

Written during the early 1870s and intended mostly as prefaces, the essays contained in this volume pertain to Greek philosophy. These writings also provide new insight on Nietzsche’s own philosophy, as many of his later philosophical tenets can be found throughout.

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The Will to Power

Friedrich Nietzsche

Nietzsche’s personal notebooks, kept by him during his most productive years, offer a fascinating glimpse into the work and mind of a great thinker. Compiled from these notebooks, The Will to Power is arguably one of the most influential books of the past hundred years.

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The Theory of Mind as Pure Act

Giovanni Gentile

In this important philosophical work, Gentile speculates about the relationship of phenomena and human consciousness. He proposes that our world is ultimately a structure of consciousness, and exists only through consciousness rather than independent of it. This is a facsimile edition.

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Cybele and Attis

M. J. Vermaseren

A scholarly work on the cult of Cybele and her consort Attis illustrating the near-eastern mother goddess sacrifice cult.

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