C. A. Muses
This volume contains three books of secret Vajrayana Buddhist lore translated and edited by the scholar of esotericism Charles Muses in cooperation with exiled Tibetan monks. Among the esoteric initiation rituals are found many strange passages, including a mysterious prophecy that tells of a future when Tibet will be overrun by demons, while the Naropa texts describe practices such as the Yoga of Entering Another's Body, which can be used to reanimate a corpse. Also discussed at some length is a method of lucid dreaming or "astral projection" known as The Practice of the Illusory Body.

William Stirling Maxwell
In this exhaustive study of the ancient Greek cabala, William Stirling Maxwell argues that the arithmetical calculations on which the structure and proportions of ancient religious architecture were based reveal an exact correspondence with the positions of the sun, moon, and planets. Here, Maxwell argues that the system of metaphysical science from which these canonical proportions derive was encoded in occult symbols, images and language whose last clear expression is found in the Greek cabala.

René Guénon
In accordance with Guénon's last wishes, this volume was the first thematic collection of his writings published after his death. The first part sees Guénon considering the mental and psychological obstacles that may block comprehension of the initiatic point of view and the search for initiation. The second part clarifies and develops several important points regarding the nature of initiation and the conditions for its pursuit. The last, and in many respects the most important part is a metaphysical exposition of the possibility for total spiritual realization starting from our corporeal state.

Léon de Poncins
Vicomte Léon de Poncins was the author of a wide range of celebrated books that expose the subversive influences working in secret to undermine European civilization. De Poncins' meticulously documented book Freemasonry and Judaism covers a centuries-long history in which he exposes with irrefutable clarity the hidden forces responsible for destroying the nations of Europe. The endless revolutions of democracy and communism over the last centuries are uncovered as a Judeo-Masonic plot to overthrow the ancient regimes by force and install those "enlightened" systems in their place as the new world order. With extensive proof, de Poncins demonstrates the method by which that goal has come dangerously close to being achieved.

Rudolf J. Mund
This work presents the true history of the New Templar Order and its founder, Lanz von Liebenfels. The real Dr. Lanz, whose brilliant legacy was tainted by the lying press, is revealed through a comparison of manipulated and actual statements, a refutation of malicious allegations, and an outline of his teachings as a deeply religious man who not only spoke of positive Christianity but also proved its existence.
Like Herman Wirth, Lanz was able to prove from historical research that Nordic man was the bearer of this religion long before the Aryan period. His discovery that all religions were in origin racial cults with the purpose of eugenic breeding, and could be traced back to a single ancestor religion - the original Christianity - gave new meaning to the concept of perennialism.

Ariel Toaff
For the last several centuries, there have been rumors of various Jewish groups or individuals engaged in human sacrifices or ritual murder for religious purposes. This book analyzes the cultural and historical background to a notorious 1475 murder trial in Italy where a group of Jews were accused of murdering a young boy, later known as Simon of Trent, and using his blood for Passover rites. The reader is presented this infamous case in a scholarly manner that aims to draw out facts and leave speculation behind, as the use of a medieval case study helps to illuminate much needed scholarly scrutiny on a topic that has for too long been obfuscated or dismissed out of hand without serious inquiry.

Julius Evola
An exhaustive collection of Evola's writing on the subject of politics, The Political Right brings together his major works Fascism Viewed From the Right, Notes on the Third Reich, and A Traditionalist Confronts Fascism, including selected articles on Italian Fascism and the Right in other countries from the period of 1930 to 1942, as well as several articles on National Socialism written from 1933 to 1971.

René Guénon
In this work, Guénon offers a brilliant explication of the metaphysical order and its manifestations, of the divine hierarchies and what has been called the Great Chain of Being, and in so doing demonstrates how intellective or intrinsic knowledge is a true Way of Liberation. Here, Guénon the metaphysical social critic, comparative religionist, researcher of esotericism, and herald of spiritual renewal, disappears. Only reality remains.

René Guénon
Guénon’s The Great Triad was the last book to appear during his lifetime. Even for his regular readers, this book contained largely new material, as did his The Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus, published the same year. The author here refers especially to the Chinese tradition, principally in its Taoist form (though touching on Confucianism as well), in which the ‘Great Triad’ is defined as Heaven-Man-Earth.

H. W. Wallis
The Rigveda is an ancient Indo-Aryan collection of Vedic hymns with associated commentaries on liturgy, ritual and mystical exegesis. In The Cosmology of the Rigveda, H. W. Wallis conducts a brief yet thorough investigation of cosmological elements in the Rigveda to provide a clear picture of the ancient Vedic worldview for modern readers. This is a facsimile edition.

Algis Uždavinys
This book is a recapitulation or a critical reassessment of ancient and contemporary literature devoted to Orpheus, giving special attention to his relations with both the Egyptian and the Platonic tradition. At the heart of this book we have a glimpse into the substance, nature and development of the Orphic mysteries, with fascinating insights into the relations between Egyptian initiation, through the Greek mysteries and classical philosophy, to Neoplatonic and Hermetic thought.

R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz
As a contemporary "renaissance man," R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz may fall into that category of genius shared by such luminaries as Rudolf Steiner and Emanuel Swedenborg. He combined the talents of social reformer, artist, scientist, visionary, and mystic to formulate ideas that were so far ahead of their time they seemed doomed, until recently, to be ignored.
This work represents the first important breakthrough in our comprehension of Egypt since Champollion deciphered the Rosetta Stone. The author's penetration of its symbolism and his intuitive reading of the hieroglyphs situates Egypt, not Greece, as the cradle of our Western heritage. His work serves as a guide that will initiate the reader into the authentic tone, structure, and mentality of Egyptian wisdom.